
World of warcraft 2.4 3
World of warcraft 2.4 3

world of warcraft 2.4 3

The conflict over the home of the night elves has reached a fever pitch, and new questlines will lead you to the all-new Battle for Darkshore. Players who have unlocked World Quests at level 120 on at least one character will have Assault World Quests available to any of their other characters.Rally to the location to fight on behalf of your faction and earn new Honorbound or 7th Legion Service Medals that can be exchanged for a variety of rewards When an Assault is active, a group of new World Quests will be available to both factions in that area. Periodically, the Alliance or the Horde will launch an assault against a hostile position in Kul Tiras or Zandalar.Look for new Missions to upgrade your faction’s outposts, level up followers so that they gain access to a new equipment slot, send your followers on lucrative new weekly treasure hunts, and unlock a vendor who offers the opposing faction’s pets Several new Missions are now available at both your War Table, as well as from new drops from various activities, such as Island Expeditions.

world of warcraft 2.4 3

Head to Boralus or Zuldazar to rejoin your faction’s war efforts New chapters in the War Campaign are now available.

World of warcraft 2.4 3